Friday, December 16, 2016

Unit 5 Reflection

Unit 5 was all about mutations and how genes work. We learned how mutations could alter our genes. I felt like I understood how to translate the mRNA very well. The protein synthesis lab had helped me understand translating mRNA even more. It was fairly simple, but I did not really understand how it happened in real life. Translating the mRNA is a complicated process. Many parts are required for mRNA to be translated. Trying to label the diagram of it was quite difficult but doing so, I had learned a little more about the process of translating mRNA. We had also built a model of DNA in class. It helped me understand more of how the nitrogen bases and phosphates and sugars go together to create a functioning DNA.

When we were doing the DNA extraction lab, a lot of teamwork was required. I learned that you do not always get your way and a lot of the times, other people are right. Even so, it is okay to put in your ideas and thoughts because even if it is only a little bit, it could help a lot. Sometimes you are right, but sometimes you are not. Getting along with your teammates would also make the work go along a lot smoother.

Being a good student is about willing to learn more and trying your best to make that possible. It also means applying what you learned to your own life. Being a good student could mean many things depending on the way you view it.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Protein Synthesis Lab

A section of DNA (a gene) is copied by an enzyme. The copy that is produced is called messenger RNA (mRNA). RNA is different from DNA because uracil replaces thymine and RNA is single stranded. The mRNA leaves the nucleus and travels to the cytoplasm. Then, the mRNA bonds with a transfer RNA (tRNA), which will make protein. The ribosome reads the first three bases called a codon and it determines which amino acid corresponds with that sequence. Each amino acid that is added is determined by the codon read by the ribosome. Amino acids are bonded together, and when the mRNA is done being translated, the amino acid chain folds up and twists to become a protein.
There are many different types of mutationsDeletion seemed to have the most effect on the protein. Insertion also affected the protein a lot, but not as much as deletion. Substitution had no affect of the protein at all. It does matter where the mutation occurs. It could end the protein making earlier even though there are more mRNA that needs to be translated, or it could not end at all even though there are no more mRNA to translate. If the T had been put later in the sequence, then the protein would have been longer if deletion happened. The protein might also have an end to it if insertion had happened.
I had chosen deletion and I deleted two of the bases. The protein ended early with plenty of mRNA left to translate. There was another deletion in the end that did not have the chance to be translated so it did not affect the protein as much. It does matter where the mutation occurs. The mutation could have happened near the end of the sequence and could have ended the translating process later.

Proteins are very important to living things. If mutation happened, then some of the proteins may not be able to function properly, causing diseases. We would also not be able to get enough protein or too much protein. The Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease is caused by defects in neuronal proteins. A person with that disease will suffer from progressive muscle and tissue loss and the loss of feeling in various parts of the body. Their feet will have a high arch and claw toes and not much muscle on it. Mutations can cause harmful and deadly diseases.

Monday, December 5, 2016

DNA Extraction Lab

In this lab, we tried to find out if it was possible to extract DNA from the cheeks to study them. We found out that it was possible. There were three basic steps: homogenization, lysis, and precipitation. To get to the DNA, the cell's membrane and other nuclear material must be broken down first. This is possible by homogenizing the cell tissue with polar liquid. Then, soap is added to lyse the cell so that all of its contents are in the mixture. Catabolic protease, an enzyme that can be found in papayas, pineapple juice, meat tenderizers, and contact lens cleaners, can be used to break down histones the DNA wraps itself around. Finally, adding alcohol, which is nonpolar, the DNA will separate from the solution and come out as a precipitate. Cold alcohol will increase the precipitation. Then, the DNA can be extracted from the solution and be used to study.
(Photo is not mine :P)
Our data was unexpected because we did not know if we did everything in the right order. We had instructions that were out of order and we had to try to figure out the correct order. Even though we were not sure, we still successfully extracted DNA. In future labs like this, I would recommend that we do some research before actually doing the lab. Another error was that some of us (namely me) were not able to extract the DNA. It was not possible because we had not gotten enough cells from our cheeks. To prevent errors like this, I suggest that we follow instructions thoroughly and read them carefully.

This lab was done to demonstrate that it was possible to extract DNA. From this lab, I learned more about DNA which helps me understand the DNA structure better and how to break it down. Based on my experiences with this lab, I could extract DNA to study and try to find other ways to extract DNA from other parts of the body and see if they are different. This lab has helped me understand many different concepts and taught me new things.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Unit 4 Reflection

During the coin sex lab, we used coins and punnet squares to find out the phenotypes of certain genotypes. First, we used the punnet square to figure out the probability of the phenotypes. We did this while looking for the phenotypes of x-linked inheritance and autosomal dominance. We then used coins as alleles and as genes to simulate meiosis. We did this multiple times, for a monohybrid cross, dihybrid cross, and many other crosses. Some coins were homozygous while others were heterozygous. For the dihybrid cross, we were expecting around a ratio of 9:3:3:1. The results we ended with were close to the expected results. The limit of using probability to predict our offsprings' traits is that recombination could happen and the results are always random. No matter how hard you try to find the exact result, you will never get it.

I learned a lot of things this unit. I learned about how chromosomes work and more about human genetics. It was difficult to remember all of the specific details, but remembering the main ideas was much more manageable. We also made an infographic about genetics. It was quite difficult at first, but after a while, it was easier to find resources and arrange the information together.

I have gained new skills and knowledge throughout this unit. I learned how to become more resourceful. I also learned about many different types of chromosomes and different traits. I hope to learn even more about human genetics, or genetics in general. This unit has taught me many things.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Unit 3 Reflection

Unit three was about cells, photosynthesis, and cellular respiration. We went in depth about the process of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. There were things that I understood immedeatly, such as photosynthesis, but there were also things that I did not quite understand as well, such as the process of cellular respiration.

I have learned many things from this unit. I learned more about photosynthesis and the different steps of cellular respiration. I also learned more about cells and how their organelles funtion. I gained more knowledge from this lesson and I can apply what I learned to my life.

I would like to learn about how the human body works and how it compares to how plants work. It would be interesting to see if we really are very different from the nature that surrounds us or not. It would also be interesting to compare how the human body works to how other animals' bodies work. This unit was extremely useful and has taught me a lot of new things.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Photo Lab

Question: How does each of the different colored lights (white, orange, green, and blue), at full intensity, affect the plant’s release of carbon dioxide?

Hypothesis: If the plant absorbs a lot of blue light, then there will be more carbon dioxide bubbles it will let out in 30 seconds and 1 minute.

Experimental parameters:
  • Dependent variable: light color change
  • Independent variable: amount of CO2 bubbles that appeared
  • Constants: the time
  • Control: no light

No light
White light
Orange light
Green light
Blue light
30 seconds
0 bubbles
6 bubbles
5 bubbles
1 bubbles
5 bubbles
1 minute (60 sec)
0 bubbles
12 bubbles
9 bubbles
3 bubbles
11 bubbles

In this lab, I asked the question: “How do different colored lights, at full intensity, affect the amount of carbon dioxide coming out from a plant?” I found out that each of the different colored lights do affect how many carbon dioxide bubbles came out in 30 seconds and 1 minute. It turns out that white light caused the most carbon dioxide to come out. Within 30 seconds, six carbon dioxide bubbles had come out and 12 in a minute, under white light. Blue light came into a close second. 5 bubbles had come out at 30 seconds and 11 at a minute. Orange light also let out 5 bubbles in 30 seconds, but only 9 in a minute. The green light had caused the least carbon dioxide bubbles to come out. Only 1 came out within 30 seconds and 3 in a minute. The data does not support my hypothesis because I thought that the blue light would cause the most bubbles to come out, but the white light had caused more instead.

This lab was done to demonstrate that different colored lights do affect how much carbon dioxide comes out of a plant. From this lab, I learned even more about how plants work, which helps me understand the concept of photosynthesis and cellular respiration better. Based on my experience from this lab, I can predict when the plants might be letting out oxygen or carbon dioxide. This lab has been very helpful.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Microscope Organism Lab

Skeletal Muscle Tissue
Organelles found:
1. Nucleus

Organelles found:
1. Nucleus
2. Chloroplasts
3. Vein
4. Guard Cells
5. Upper and Lower Epidermal Cells
6. Intercellular Spaces

Organelles found:
1. Nucleus
2. Chloroplast

Bacteria Cells
Types of Cells Found:
1. Spirillum
2. Bacillus
3. Coccus
5. Staphylo-
6. Strepho-

Cyanobacteria (Blue-green algae)
Organelles found:
1. None

Organelles found:
1. Nucleus

Organelles found:
1. Nucleus
2. Pseudopods
3. Food Vacuole
4. Cytoplasm
5. Cell Membrane

For this lab, we looked at different types of cells and tried to identify each of their organelles. Some organelles were difficult to find in some cells because they were so small. We also learned how to use a microscope properly. We also learned more about the different types of cells, such as autotrophs, heterotrophs, prokaryotes, eukaryotes, and protists.

Autotrophs are all plant cells, algae, and some protists. All autotrophs contain chloroplasts and performs photosynthesis.

Heterotrophs are all animal cells. All heterotrophs contain mitochondria and get energy from consuming other organisms.

Eukaryotes are multicellular. They tend to be larger than prokaryotes. All animal and plant cells are eukaryotes. All eukaryotes have nuclei.

Prokaryotes are single cellular. They tend to be smaller than eukaryotes. Algae and bacteria are examples of prokaryotes. All prokaryotes don't have nuclei.