Sunday, October 23, 2016

Microscope Organism Lab

Skeletal Muscle Tissue
Organelles found:
1. Nucleus

Organelles found:
1. Nucleus
2. Chloroplasts
3. Vein
4. Guard Cells
5. Upper and Lower Epidermal Cells
6. Intercellular Spaces

Organelles found:
1. Nucleus
2. Chloroplast

Bacteria Cells
Types of Cells Found:
1. Spirillum
2. Bacillus
3. Coccus
5. Staphylo-
6. Strepho-

Cyanobacteria (Blue-green algae)
Organelles found:
1. None

Organelles found:
1. Nucleus

Organelles found:
1. Nucleus
2. Pseudopods
3. Food Vacuole
4. Cytoplasm
5. Cell Membrane

For this lab, we looked at different types of cells and tried to identify each of their organelles. Some organelles were difficult to find in some cells because they were so small. We also learned how to use a microscope properly. We also learned more about the different types of cells, such as autotrophs, heterotrophs, prokaryotes, eukaryotes, and protists.

Autotrophs are all plant cells, algae, and some protists. All autotrophs contain chloroplasts and performs photosynthesis.

Heterotrophs are all animal cells. All heterotrophs contain mitochondria and get energy from consuming other organisms.

Eukaryotes are multicellular. They tend to be larger than prokaryotes. All animal and plant cells are eukaryotes. All eukaryotes have nuclei.

Prokaryotes are single cellular. They tend to be smaller than eukaryotes. Algae and bacteria are examples of prokaryotes. All prokaryotes don't have nuclei.

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