Monday, December 5, 2016

DNA Extraction Lab

In this lab, we tried to find out if it was possible to extract DNA from the cheeks to study them. We found out that it was possible. There were three basic steps: homogenization, lysis, and precipitation. To get to the DNA, the cell's membrane and other nuclear material must be broken down first. This is possible by homogenizing the cell tissue with polar liquid. Then, soap is added to lyse the cell so that all of its contents are in the mixture. Catabolic protease, an enzyme that can be found in papayas, pineapple juice, meat tenderizers, and contact lens cleaners, can be used to break down histones the DNA wraps itself around. Finally, adding alcohol, which is nonpolar, the DNA will separate from the solution and come out as a precipitate. Cold alcohol will increase the precipitation. Then, the DNA can be extracted from the solution and be used to study.
(Photo is not mine :P)
Our data was unexpected because we did not know if we did everything in the right order. We had instructions that were out of order and we had to try to figure out the correct order. Even though we were not sure, we still successfully extracted DNA. In future labs like this, I would recommend that we do some research before actually doing the lab. Another error was that some of us (namely me) were not able to extract the DNA. It was not possible because we had not gotten enough cells from our cheeks. To prevent errors like this, I suggest that we follow instructions thoroughly and read them carefully.

This lab was done to demonstrate that it was possible to extract DNA. From this lab, I learned more about DNA which helps me understand the DNA structure better and how to break it down. Based on my experiences with this lab, I could extract DNA to study and try to find other ways to extract DNA from other parts of the body and see if they are different. This lab has helped me understand many different concepts and taught me new things.

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