Friday, October 28, 2016

Unit 3 Reflection

Unit three was about cells, photosynthesis, and cellular respiration. We went in depth about the process of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. There were things that I understood immedeatly, such as photosynthesis, but there were also things that I did not quite understand as well, such as the process of cellular respiration.

I have learned many things from this unit. I learned more about photosynthesis and the different steps of cellular respiration. I also learned more about cells and how their organelles funtion. I gained more knowledge from this lesson and I can apply what I learned to my life.

I would like to learn about how the human body works and how it compares to how plants work. It would be interesting to see if we really are very different from the nature that surrounds us or not. It would also be interesting to compare how the human body works to how other animals' bodies work. This unit was extremely useful and has taught me a lot of new things.

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